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SMT Machines India Limited

25+ years of Dedicated Experience in Manufacturing
Hot Steel Rolling Mill Plants & Allied Machinery
+91 93577 55555


Our guiding principle of “Corporate Social Responsibility” program is “Impact through Empowerment,” where empowerment is a process of strengthening the future today, so that risks are minimized, value created and certainty is experienced.
Not only the Management but the staff members have contributed largely towards our responsibility to take the world together. Regular Blood Donation Camps and Eye Checkup camps are organized by us.
Also we are associated with various religious and non religious organizations such as:-

  • Organizing Annual Blood Donation Camp in Campus.
  • Organizing Annual Vaccination Drive for the health and safety of our employees.
  • Associated with Ganga Mata Charitable Eye Hospital at Haridwar, India where we are one of the founding members and continue to provide our association to bring in the best of eye care.